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These two new varieties of chickpeas proved to be a boon for farmers, Know their specialties

These two new varieties of chickpeas proved to be a boon for farmers, Know their specialties
Arrival of two new varieties in chickpea farming

Chickpea is a major pulse crop that plays a significant role in agriculture. By cultivating chickpeas, farmers can achieve high yields and substantial profits. With recent price increases, more farmers are turning towards chickpea cultivation. To further enhance the benefits for farmers, new varieties of chickpeas have been developed. Recently, PM Modi introduced 109 crop varieties in Delhi, including these advanced chickpea varieties, which promise high yields and greater disease resistance, making them less susceptible to pests and diseases.

Chickpea cultivation is typically done during the Rabi season, with sowing occurring in the second week of October to November. During the winter season, farmers can cultivate these two varieties to achieve better yields. The key advantage of these varieties is their resistance to diseases. Let’s explore the features and yields of these two chickpea varieties.

Key Features and Yields of These Chickpea Varieties:

Pant Gram 10 (PG 265): Pant Gram 10 (PG 265) is an excellent new variety of chickpea. This special variety has been developed by scientists at ICAR-AICRP on Pulses, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. It is specifically designed for farmers in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Assam. This variety is well-suited for sowing during the Rabi season. Pant Gram 10 (PG 265) matures in 130 days, and farmers can expect an average yield of 17.79 quintals per hectare. This variety is moderately resistant to diseases like wilt, collar rot, and stunt, and it is also tolerant to pod borer.

Nandyal Gram 1267: Nandyal Gram 1267 is another advanced chickpea variety developed by scientists at ICAR-AICRP on Pulses, Main Centre, RARS, Nandyal, Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh. This variety is suitable for farmers in the southern regions, including Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. It is particularly effective in rainfed areas and contains 15.96% protein. Nandyal Gram 1267 matures within 90-95 days, and farmers can achieve an average yield of 20.95 quintals per hectare.

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