How to protect animals from diseases in the rainy season, Know the easy solution

Thu, 08 Aug 2024 10:13 AM

Regularly clean the animals' living areas to protect them from dirt and mud during the rainy season.

How to protect animals from diseases in the rainy season, Know the easy solution

Thu, 08 Aug 2024 10:13 AM

Provide animals with fresh and clean food. Wet fodder during rain increases the risk of diseases, so use dry and clean fodder.

How to protect animals from diseases in the rainy season, Know the easy solution

Thu, 08 Aug 2024 10:13 AM

Provide fresh and clean water to animals. Regularly clean water tanks to prevent the growth of germs and bacteria.

How to protect animals from diseases in the rainy season, Know the easy solution

Thu, 08 Aug 2024 10:13 AM

Schedule regular health check-ups for animals to protect them from diseases during the rainy season. Ensure timely vaccination and medication.

How to protect animals from diseases in the rainy season, Know the easy solution

Thu, 08 Aug 2024 10:13 AM

Do not ignore any wounds or infections on the animals' skin and body. Use necessary medications and ointments.

How to protect animals from diseases in the rainy season, Know the easy solution

Thu, 08 Aug 2024 10:13 AM

The number of pests and parasites increases during the rainy season. Use pesticides and regularly check animals for pests.

How to protect animals from diseases in the rainy season, Know the easy solution

Thu, 08 Aug 2024 10:13 AM

Keep an eye on the health condition of animals. Consult a veterinarian immediately for any abnormalities.